Sunday, May 18, 2008

Charlie's Obsessions

My cat has many obsessions. Sometimes these obsessions only occur in phases and seem to fade. But then there are the obsessions that always linger...

#1 Obsession has to be the Bathroom .........

Charlie loves to meow outside the bathroom door. We keep the door closed because he'll lick the tub clean if we don't. So you see, because the room is closed he needs to get in to see it, as often as he can. Cats always think there is something extra special in those off limit areas. When we come home, he'll eagerly gallop along side us down the hall to the door in order to let us know that he'd like to visit the room. He will often spend precious early morning minutes, staring up at the door knob for as long as it takes, incessantly meowing and meowing and meowing... telling us to get up and let him in now... Even once we let him in, he'll be back for more within minutes.

Some days, he'll merely trot by the room, as if he could care less. But most days, he can't go by without some face time in the mirror. When we finally let him in he goes straight to his favorite spot, which is the top of the toilet to rub his face against the mirror edge and look to us for a back scratch. Second favorite spot is the tub edge, especially when the shower is running. He loves to watch the water drops streaming down the curtain lining and the feel of the water spray on his furry face, even though he squints his little eyes. When ever he sneaks past us, he jumps down off the edge into the tub bottom, to frantically drink the water puddles. Silly cat... If only those simple pleasures could keep us so happy (not that I'd be up for licking the tub bottom anytime soon)...